Whether it's forming new habits, introducing structure into your day or tackling your goals and aspirations,
Daily Schema helps you stay on track, develop consistency and streamline your life one day at a time.
An unplanned day leaves a lot to chance so it's important to clearly define your priorities. Daily Schema helps you outline what you would like to accomplish each day and designs a system that works for you.
Setting goals won't work without measurable targets. With Daily Schema you can calibrate quantifiable objectives for your goals and deposit the necessary actions required to achieve them over time.
Without the relevant data, it becomes very difficult to identify areas of improvement. Daily Schema helps you track your performance on your targets over time to help identify your stronger and weaker points.
You're more likely to get something done if you set aside a specific time for it. Schedule your tasks with Daily Schema and set up accountability partners to get progress updates on your selected targets. (coming soon)
Forming a new habit takes time and requires consistent action. Daily Schema can help steer you towards developing new habits by taking repeated actions over time until it becomes second nature.
By reducing the amount of noise in your everyday life, there becomes a clearer sense of priorities. This helps you become more focused, develop a greater sense of purpose and improve productivity in various aspects.
Create your monthly targets, specify how you would like to measure them and set repeat days to help when planning or auto scheduling recurring activities on any day.
Create daily activities in line with your monthly targets. Each activity can be directly linked to a monthly target and will contribute to your progress on the target. You also have the option to schedule one off tasks and visualise your progress via performance charts.
Monitor your performance on all your targets at any given time. Your daily activities will affect your progress. Identify areas for improvement and see where you are currently excelling.
Visualise every month via an intuitive calendar with different view options to see your progress over time and identify patterns. Journal entries can also be added for any day to highlight any noteworthy events.
Enjoy these features and more for FREE when you sign in! Daily Schema is also mobile friendly and can be used on the go.
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